• Tmux and Vim, get marrieder. Or, Tmuxination.

    As described in a post a few weeks back, a consistent and reliable development environment makes the job of a front-end developer so much easier. One of the tools that I've begun using to expedite the arrangement of Tmux panes and windows is a Ruby gem called Tmuxinator.


  • Using Compass and Sass for Drupal Projects

    Getting started with SASS and Compass, particularly when working with a CMS, can be a convoluted experience. Lucky for you, here is a tutorial on how to prepare a Compass and Sass environment on Mountain Lion for your Drupal projects.


  • Tmux and Vim, get married.

    Vim and Tmux are an excellent choice for a modern develpment environment on Mountain Lion. I describe how to combine create such an environment using homebrew.


  • A Jekyll Site. Because.

    For the zero number of people who regularly read this blog, you may notice that it looks different. That's because I’ve abandoned Wordpress, and rebuilt it using Jekyll.


  • Mountain Lion and the AMP Stack

    Another large cat has descended upon the innards of my laptop, and I’ve had to redo my entire development setup. The cat is called Mountain Lion. That's alright, I love the opportunity to clean up. Here is a tutorial on how to create an awesome and reliable Apache, MySQL and PHP development environment on Mountain Lion using homebrew and php-osx.
