• Adding JS libraries to a Drupal project with Libraries API

    As a front-end developer, I often need to add JavaScript libraries to a project for front-end interaction. With most things Drupal, there are many different ways to go about adding these libraries, though some can be said to be more stylish than others. An approach that I’ve become particularly fond of utilizes a contributed module called Libraries API, which gives Drupal developers a consistent way to add libraries of all sorts.


  • JavaScript Hyperspace

    An inescapable symptom of widespread web design bad-assery is an abundance of vocabulary words that web designers need to be familiar with. For every job, there is the right tool (or, at least, the “righter” tool), but in order to use that tool, we have to first know its name.


  • On Require JS and JavaScript Architecture in Drupal

    Working with JavaScript in Drupal can be a sometimes inconsistent experience, making the already important pursuit of organized code a bit more acute. This post chronicles a bit of exploration I’ve been doing on this topic. It waxes tangential, but that’s alright, as tangents are the space we sometimes discover larger problems and better solutions. It begins like this.


  • Content panes fit so good into Panels that it is really silly

    Page Manager and Panels are enormously capable modules for Drupal, but getting started with them can be pretty tricky. Here, I'll describe how I used Page Manager, Panels and Views Content Panes to build a Taxonomy driven content structure. I'll also describe some of the fundamental Page Manager concepts that I'm still digesting.


  • WHOAWHOA, a Tmux trick.

    As I’ve become more comfortable with iTerm2, Vim and Tmux, I’ve found myself wishing that Tmux could do certain things. Then, after researching a bit, I find that Tmux *does* do that certain thing. Here is a quick little Tmux trick for nesting a session in a session.
