When you're writing code that requires side-effecting dependencies (think libraries like axios), make your test-lyfe easier by adopting a lil' DI pattern, brought to you by vanilla JavaScript.
Writing JavaScript modules consumable as esm or cjs
So you want to write a library? Oh, and you want to leverage some ultimate-mode TC39 syntax? AND you want to make your code consumable in a variety of module formats? Well, friend... a few things.
GAMECHANGOR: tmux leader + ctrl-z WTF
It's the little things, yep yep.
Webpack/Babel vs. npm link
Let's say we're writing a node module that is intended to be used in a Webpack/Babel project, but it explodes when connecting the two with `npm link`. What now?
Note To Self - Ubuntu Color Scheme
So that I don't forget. How to get base16 just right while using Vim in Gnome terminal.